
Cumartesi, Aralık 30, 2023

A plane crash in Nepal that killed 72 people, including two infants, was most probably the result of its pilots mistakenly cutting the power, said a report by government-appointed investigators.


A plane crash in Nepal that killed 72 people, including two infants, was most probably the result of its pilots mistakenly cutting the power, said a report by government-appointed investigators.

This caused a loss of thrust that led to an "aerodynamic stall".

The Yeti Airlines flight was flying from the capital Kathmandu to the tourist town of Pokhara on 15 January.

It is the country's deadliest plane crash in 30 years.

The flight on 15 January, which involved an ATR 72, was the flight crew's third sector of the day, shuttling between Kathmandu and Pokhara.

The privately owned plane crashed in the Seti river gorge just 1.5km (0.9 miles) from the airport, prompting a rescue operation that involved hundreds of Nepalese soldiers.

Source: Real Breaking News (

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