
Cumartesi, Aralık 30, 2023

Mexican villagers who killed 10 members of the notorious Familia Michoacana criminal gang will not be facing any charges after prosecutors ruled they had acted in self-defence.


Mexican villagers who killed 10 members of the notorious Familia Michoacana criminal gang will not be facing any charges after prosecutors ruled they had acted in self-defence.

Prosecutors said that the residents of Texcapilla had come "under constant threat" from the gang, which had tried to extort money from farmers.

They were summoned to a football pitch where gang members opened fire on them.

But they fought back with weapons including shotguns and machetes.

Ten members of the Familia Michoacana and four of the locals were killed in the deadly fight which followed. Seven more people were injured.

In the weeks since what locals have dubbed "the massacre on the football field", the residents of Texcapilla have been telling the authorities how the Familia Michoacana had wielded its power in the village.

Source: Real Breaking News (

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