
Cumartesi, Aralık 30, 2023

A plane crash in Nepal that killed 72 people, including two infants, was most probably the result of its pilots mistakenly cutting the power, said a report by government-appointed investigators.


A plane crash in Nepal that killed 72 people, including two infants, was most probably the result of its pilots mistakenly cutting the power, said a report by government-appointed investigators.

This caused a loss of thrust that led to an "aerodynamic stall".

The Yeti Airlines flight was flying from the capital Kathmandu to the tourist town of Pokhara on 15 January.

It is the country's deadliest plane crash in 30 years.

The flight on 15 January, which involved an ATR 72, was the flight crew's third sector of the day, shuttling between Kathmandu and Pokhara.

The privately owned plane crashed in the Seti river gorge just 1.5km (0.9 miles) from the airport, prompting a rescue operation that involved hundreds of Nepalese soldiers.

Source: Real Breaking News (

China appoints Dong Jun as new defence minister

 China appoints Dong Jun as new defence minister

China has named Dong Jun as its new defence minister, two months after his predecessor was officially sacked.

Mr Dong, a former navy commander, takes over from Li Shangfu - who was last seen in public in August.

Mr Dong's appointment was announced by China's top legislators at a Standing Committee meeting of the National People's Congress in Beijing on Friday.

The move follows a slew of dismissals of top military officials from the country's top posts earlier this year.

As well as Mr Li, it included the removal of Qin Gang as foreign minister in July. No reasons were given for Mr Li or Mr Qin's dismissals. Both had been in their posts for only seven months respectively.

Source: Real Breaking News (

The atmosphere in Bethlehem is heavy with absence.

 The atmosphere in Bethlehem is heavy with absence.

Christmas celebrations have been cancelled this year and the thousands of tourists and pilgrims who would normally fill Manger Square are nowhere to be found.

"The city is empty from happiness, from joy, from kids, from Santa. There is no celebration this year," says Madeleine, a resident of Bethlehem, in the occupied West Bank.

The famous Christmas tree, usually in the middle of the square, is not there. There are no carols or Christmas market stands.

Instead, a nativity scene, which shows a newborn Jesus surrounded by big rocks and barbed wire, has been installed as a tribute to the children of Gaza.

In an unusually empty Nativity Church, Father Eissa Thaldjiya tells me his city feels like a shadow of itself.

Source: Real Breaking News (

A 39-year-old man who is wanted on drugs charges in Spain has been arrested at Belfast Harbour.

 A 39-year-old man who is wanted on drugs charges in Spain has been arrested at Belfast Harbour.

He is charged with importing more than €20m (£17.4m) worth of cannabis into Europe in 2013.

He was arrested on Thursday evening and will be brought before an extradition court later on Friday.

The National Crime Agency and Belfast Harbour Police worked together on the case with the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI).

"Our message is clear: there is nowhere to hide in Northern Ireland, and that we will actively pursue all wanted persons believed to be in this jurisdiction."

Source: Real Breaking News (

Mexican villagers who killed 10 members of the notorious Familia Michoacana criminal gang will not be facing any charges after prosecutors ruled they had acted in self-defence.


Mexican villagers who killed 10 members of the notorious Familia Michoacana criminal gang will not be facing any charges after prosecutors ruled they had acted in self-defence.

Prosecutors said that the residents of Texcapilla had come "under constant threat" from the gang, which had tried to extort money from farmers.

They were summoned to a football pitch where gang members opened fire on them.

But they fought back with weapons including shotguns and machetes.

Ten members of the Familia Michoacana and four of the locals were killed in the deadly fight which followed. Seven more people were injured.

In the weeks since what locals have dubbed "the massacre on the football field", the residents of Texcapilla have been telling the authorities how the Familia Michoacana had wielded its power in the village.

Source: Real Breaking News (